[Lines 368—396
Quselibet altum cymba pererrat,
Terminus omnis motus, & urbes Muros terra pofuere nova. 370 Nil, qua fuerat fede, reliquit Pervius orbis. Indus gelidum potat Araxem: Albim Perfse Rhenumque bibunt. Venient annis fecula feris, 375 Quibus Oceanus vincula rerum Laxet, & ingens pateat tellus, Tethyfque novos detegat orbes, Nee fit tenis ultima Thule.
In vindiftam prseceps fertur Medea, nutrice incaffum eam
NUTR. Alumna, celerem quo rapis teftis pedem? 380
Refifte, & iras comprime, ac retine impetum.
Incerta qualis entheos curfus tulit.
Cum jam recepto Mannas infanit Deo,
Pindi nivalis vertice, aut Nyfae jugis;
Talis recurfat hue & hue motu effero, 385
Furoris ore figna lymphati gerens.
Flammata facies fpiritum ex alto citat.
Proclamat: oculos uberi fletu rigat.
Renidet. omnis fpecimen affeftus capit;
Hseret, minatur, seftuat, queritur, gemit. 390
Quo pondus animi verget? ubl ponet minas?
Ubi fe ifte fludlus franget? exundat furor.
Non facile fecum verfat aut medium fcelus.
Se vincet: iras novimus veteres notas.
Magnum aliquid inftat, efferum, immane, impium. 395
Vultum furoris cerno. Dii fallant metum!
the oars! Any vessel can now sail about on the sea! Old landmarks have disappeared, and cities inclose themselves with walls, upon fresh, newly-discovered lands! The world, universally traversable, has left nothing in that place, in which it was originally found! The swarthy Indian sips the cooling streams of the Alaxis; the Persians quench their thirst with the waters of the Elbe and Rhine! The times will arrive later on, as the years