[Lines 179—200
CR. Medea, Colchi noxium Metis genus,
Nondum meis exportat e regnis pedem? 180
Molitur aliquid. nota fraus, nota eft manus.
Cui parcit ilia? quemve fecurum finit?
Abolere prepare peffimam ferro luem
Equidem parabam; precibus evicit gener.
Conceffa vita eft. liberet fines metu; 185
Abeatque tuta, fert gradum contra ferox,
Minaxque noftros propius affatus petit.
Arcete, famuli, taau & acceiTu procul.
Jubete, Cleat, regium imperium pati
Aliquando difcat. vade veloci via, 190
Monftrumque fevum, horribile, jamdudum avehe.
MED. Quod crimen, aut quae culpa mul(5latur fuga?
CR. Quae caufa pellat, innocens mulier rogat.
MED. Si judicas, cognofce: fi regnas, jube.
CR. .lEquum arque iniquum regis imperium feras. 195
MED. Iniqua nunquam regna perpetuo manent
OR. I, querere Colchis. MED. Redeo. qui advexit, ferat
CR. Vox conftituto fera decreto venit.
MED. Qui ftatuit aliquid parte inaudita altera,
.lEquum licet ftatuerit, baud ^equus fuit. 200
Oh! Medea, the noxious progeny of the Colchian Æetas, hast thou not taken thyself off from out of my dominions? Thou art hatching something, some wicked crime has entered thy head, thy hands have again been employed upon some mischief! Whom or what does that woman spare? Whom will she ever allow to remain in security? Indeed, I have been making up my mind to destroy her forthwith, and to condemn her to suffer the worst punishment to which I could sentence her,—the sword! But my son-in-law, Jason, has won me over by his entreaties not to do so, and thus her life has been spared to her, but she must be caused to free my kingdom of any further fears (arising out of her evil machinations). Let her depart in safety, and let her ferocious nature guide her steps elsewhere! She employs her threatening language, boldly seeks me out and dares to address me personally! Drive her away, attendants,—put her as far from me as possible, from all contact or any means of getting near me. Carry out these orders, and make her keep silence—she must, at last, be made to yield to my regal authority! Go thy way with all possible speed; let me—it is time—remove hence this cruel, horrible monster!