< Page:Ten Tragedies of Seneca (1902).djvu
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[Lines 106—133

Quam qui caminis ignis jEtnseis furit.

Ut poffit animo captus Alcides agi, Magno furore percitus, nobis prius Infaniendum eft. Juno, cur nondum furis? Me, me, forores mente dejetftam mea no Verfate primam, facere fi quidquam apparo Dignum noverca. jam odia muteotur mea. Natos reversus videat incolumes, precor, Manuque fortis redeat. inveni diem, Invifa quo nos Herculis virtus juvet: . "5 Me pariter & fe vincat; & cupiat mori Ab inferis reversus. heic profit mihi, Jove effe genitum. ftabo, & ut cerlo exeant Emiffa nervo tela, librabo manum: Regam furentis anna: pugnanti Herculi I2Q Tandem favebo. fcelere perfedlo, licet, Admittat illas genitor in coelum manus. Movenda jam funt bella; clarefcit dies, Ortuque Titan lucidus croceo fubit.


Chonis e Thebanis a defcriptione ortus diei, magnatum curas studiaque damnat, Herculem audacite in laboribus fubeundis taxat, vitsfe denique humilis laudat tranquillitatem optatque.

JAM rara micant fidera prono 125 •^Languida mundo: nox vidla v.igos Contrahit ignes: luce renata Cogit nitidum Phofphoros agmen: Signum celfi glaciale poli Septem ftellis Arcades nrfae 13° Lucem verfo temone vocant : Jam CEeruleis evedlus equis Titan fumma profpicit CEta:

from the burning pile—Do all this in earnest, I say, seek for adequate punishment, for the violation of the Stygian Realms. Exhaust all to that end, and for my own part, let a more ardent fire stir up my revengeful soul than anything that ever yet raged or came forth from the summits of Ætna—and in order that Alcides, stirred up

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