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[Lines 973—1008

THY. Satis dapis me, nec minus Bacchi tenet.

Augere cumulus his voluptatem petest,
Si eum Meis gaudere felici datur. 975
ATR. Heic esse natos crede in amplexu patris.
Heic sunt, eruntque; nulla pars prolis tuæ
Tibi substrahetur: ora, quæ exoptas, dabo,
Totumque turba jam sua implebo patrem.
Satiaberis, ne metue: nunc mixti meis, 980
Jucundæ mensæ sacra juvenilis colunt.
Sed accientur. poculum infuso cape
Gentile Baccho. THY. Capio fraternæ dapis
Donum. paternis vina libentur Deis,
Tunc hauriantur. Sed quid hoc? non vult manus 985
Parere: crescit pondus, & dextram gravat.
Admotus ipsis Bacchus a labris fugit,
Circaque rictus ore decepto effluit.
En, ipsa trepido mensa subsiluit solo.
Vix lucet ignis, ipse quin æther gravis 990
Inter diem noctemque desertus stupet.
Quid hoc? magis magisque concussi labant
Convexa cœli: spissior densis coit
Caligo tenebris, noxque se in noctem abdidit.
Fugit omne fidus. quidquid est, fratri, preeor, 995
Natisque parcat; omnes in vile hoc caput
Abeat procella. redde jam natos mihi.
ATR. Reddam, & tibi illos nullus eripiet dies.
THY. Quis hic tumultus viscera exagitat mea?
Quid tremuit intus? sentio impatiens onus, 1000
Meumque gemitu non meo pectus gemit.
Adeste, nati, genitor infelix vocat:
Adeste; visis fugiet hie vobis dolor.
Unde obloquuntur? ATR. Expedi amplexus, pater.
Venêre. natos ecquid agnoscis tuos? 1005
THY. Agnosco fratrem. sustines tantum nefas
Gestare, tellus? non ad infernam Styga
Te nosque mergis? rupta & ingenti via

THY. Thou hast feasted me to satiety, nor hast thou been niggardly with the wine. This overflowing hospitality will afford me still greater pleasure, if it be permitted me, already happy, to share that felicity with my children.

ATR. Hearken to me, believe me for a certainty that thy sons are practically at this moment in the arms of their father—there they are and will remain! No portion of thy offspring shall be withheld from thee! I will duly present to thee the faces of thy children! I shall fully account for every one of them, to a father so solicitous too, about his progeny! Thou shalt be satisfied, do not fear: at this minute, in the presence of my own children,

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