[Lines 434—470
THY. Causam timoris, ipse quam ignoro, exigis.
Nihil timendum video; sed timeo tamen. 435
Placet ire: pigris membra sed genubus labant,
Alioque, quam quo nitor, abductus feror.
Sic concitatam remige & velo ratem
stus, resistens remigi & velo, refert.
PLIST. Evince, quidquid obstat, & mentem impedit; 440
Reducemque quanta præmia exspectent, vide.
Pater, potes regnare. THY. Cum possim mori?
PLIST. Summa est potestas. THY. Nulla, si cupias nihil.
PLIST. Natis relinques. THY. Non capit regnum duos.
PLIST. Miser esse mavult, esse qui felix potest? 445
THY. Mihi crede, falsis magna nominibus placent.
Frustra timentur dura, dum excelsus steti,
Nunquam pavere destiti, atque ipsum mei
Ferrum timere lateris. o, quantum bonum est,
Obstare nulli! capere securas dapes 450
Humi jacentem! scelera non intrant casas,
Tutusque mensa capitur angusta cibus.
Venenum in auro bibitur. expertus loquor,
Malam bonæ præferre fortunam licet.
Non vertice alti montis impositam domum, 455
Et eminentem civitas humilis tremit;
Nec fulget altis splendidum tectis ebur;
Somnosque non defendit excubitor meos:
Non classibus piscamer, & retro mare
Jacta fugamus mole; non ventrem improbum 460
Alimus tributo gentium; nullus mihi
Ultra Getas metatur & Parthos ager:
Non thure colimur; nec meæ, excluso Iove,
Ornantur aræ: nulla culminibus meis
Imposita nutat silva; nec fumant manu 465
Succensa multa stagna: nec somno dies,
Bacchoque nox jungenda pervigili datur.
Sed non fimemur. tuta sine telo est domus;
Rebusque parvis alta præstatur quies.
Immane regnum est, posse sine regno pati. 470
THY. Thou askest me the cause of my dread, which I myself cannot explain. I see nothing to fear, but yet I have my apprehensions, at all events, I should like to go—My whole body seems to give way with my tottering knees, and I am literally being dragged away, to another place, from that, which I am striving to reach, just in fact, as the adverse tide drives back the craft urged on by the rower and the sails, and resists the combined efforts of both.
PLIS. Overcome whatever troubles thy mind or hinders thy resolution, thou readily seest, what ample reward will crown thy expectations, now that thou hast come back. Oh! Father! thou canst well afford to reign.