[Lines 84—121
Inferque tecum prœlia, & ferri malum
Regibus amorem: concute insano ferum 85
Pectus tumultu. TANT. Me pati pœnas decet,
Nou esse pœnam: mittor, ut dirus vapor
Tellure rupta, vel gravem populis luem
Sparsura pestis, ducam in horrendum nefas
Avus nepotes. Magna Divorum parens, 90
Nosterque, quamvis pudeat; ingenti licet
Taxata pœna lingua crucietur loquax;
Nec hoc tacebo: moneo, ne sacra manus
Violate cæde, neve furiali malo
Aspergite aras. stabo, & arcebo scelus. 95
Quid ora terres verbere, & tortos ferox
Minaris angues? quid famem insixam intimis
Agitus medullis? flagrant incensum siti
Cor, & perustis flamma visceribus micat
Sequor. 100
MEG. Hunc, o, furorem divide in totam domum.
Sic, sic ferantur, & suum infensi invicem
Sitiant cruorem: sensit introitus tuos
Domus, & nefando tota contactu borruit.
Actum est abunde. gradere ad infernos specus, 105
Amnemque notum: jam tuum mœstæ pedem
Terræ gravantur. cernis, ut fontes liquor
Introrsus actus linquat; ut ripæ vacent;
Ventusque raras igneus nubes ferat?
Pallescit omnis arbor, ac nudus stetit 110
Fugiente pomo ramus; & qui fluctibus
Illinc propinquis Isthmos atque illinc fremit,
Vicina gracili dividens terra vada,
Longe remotos latus exaudit sonos.
Jam Lerna retro cessit, & Phoronides 115
Latuere venæ: nec suas profert sacer
Alpheos undas, & Cithæronis juga
Stant parte nulla cana deposita nive,
Timentque veterem nobiles Argi sitim.
En ipse Titan dubitat, an jubeat sequi, 120
Cogatque habenis ire periturum diem.
which kings do so delight, and perplex their truculent minds with the wildest and most tumultuous passions!
TANT. It is my especial province to suffer punishment, and not promote myself to inflict it upon others. I am summoned then, that a pestilential vapor should issue forth for the opening of the earth, created by my exit, or as a plague to diffuse its deadly contagion amongst mankind! And that I, as a grandfather, shall be the means of urging my grandchildren to perpetrate the most horrible wickedness! Oh! Great parent of the Gods! although, I blush