when his nostrils were assailed by the scent of man, of Gomangani, the black man. There were many of them and mixed with their scent was another—that of a she Tarmangani.
Swinging through the trees Tarzan approached the authors of these disturbing scents. He came warily from the flank, but paying no attention to the wind, for he knew that man with his dull senses could apprehend him only through his eyes or ears and then when comparatively close. Had he been stalking Numa or Sheeta he would have circled about until his quarry was up wind from him, thus taking practically all the advantage up to the very moment that he came within sight or hearing; but in the stalking of the dull clod, man, he approached with almost contemptuous indifference so that all the jungle about him knew that he was passing—all but the men he stalked.
From the dense foliage of a great tree he watched them pass—a disreputable mob of blacks, some garbed in the uniform of German East African native troops, others wearing a single garment of the same uniform, while many had reverted to the simple dress of their forbears—approximating nudity. There were many black women with them, laughing and talking as they kept pace with the men, all of whom were armed with German rifles and equipped with German belts and ammunition.
There were no white officers there, but it was none the less apparent to Tarzan that these men were from some German native command, and he