"Then he cannot speak at all, you fool," cried Khamis.
The witch doctor arose and put the question again, but received no reply. Then he struck The River Devil a heavy blow in the face. Khamis had lost his temper, so that he did not fear even a river devil.
"You will answer me now!" he screamed, and stooping he seized a red-hot iron.
"The right eye first!" shrilled Obebe.
The doctor came to the bungalow of the ape-man—Lady Greystoke brought him with her.
They were three tired and dusty travelers as they dismounted at last before the rose embowered entrance—the famous London surgeon, Lady Greystoke, and Flora Hawkes, her maid. The surgeon and Lady Greystoke went immediately to the room where Tarzan sat in an improvised wheel-chair. He looked up at them blankly as they entered.
"Don’t you know me, John?" asked the woman.
Her son took her by the shoulders and led her away, weeping.
"He does not know any of us," he said.
"Wait until after the operation, mother, before you see him again. You can do him no good and to see him this way is too hard upon you."
The great surgeon made his examination.