"Trohanadalmakus is east of Veltopismakus," said Zoanthrohago, "and if we leave by the
Women’s Corridor with two slaves from Trohanadalmakus they will assume that we are going there; but if we leave by another corridor they will not be sure and if they lose even a little time in starting the pursuit it will give us just that much of an advantage. If we go straight toward Trohanadalmakus we shall almost certainly be overtaken as the swiftest of diadets will be used in our pursuit. Our only hope lies in deceiving them as to our route or destination, and to accomplish this I believe that we should leave either by the Warriors’ Corridor or the Slaves’ Corridor, cross the hills north of the city, circle far out to the north and east, not turning south until we are well past Trohanadalmakus. In this way we can approach that city from the east while our pursuers are patrolling the country west of Trohanadalmakus to Veltopismakus."
"Let us leave by the Warriors’ Corridor then," suggested Janzara.
"The trees and shrubbery will conceal us while we pass around to the north of the city," said Komodoflorensal.
"We should leave at once," urged Oratharc.
"Go first then, with the princess," said Zoanthrohago, "for there is a possibility that the guard at the entrance will let her pass with her party. We will muffle ourselves well with our