waste. Come!" and he stepped closer to take her by the wrist.
Her eyes narrowed. "Are you mad?" she demanded. "Or can it be that you do not know who I am?"
"You are Janzara, daughter of Elkomoelhago," replied Tarzan. "I know well who you are."
"And you dare to spurn my love!" She was breathing heavily, her breasts rising and falling to the tumultuous urge of her emotions.
"It is no question of love between us," replied the ape-man. "To me it is only a question of liberty and life for myself and my companions."
"You love another?" questioned Janzara.
"Yes," Tarzan told her.
"Who is she?" demanded the princess.
"Will you come quietly, or shall I be compelled to carry you away by force?" asked the ape-man, ignoring her question.
For a moment the woman stood silently before him, her every muscle tensed, her dark eyes two blazing wells of fire, and then slowly her expression changed. Her face softened and she stretched one hand toward him.
"I will help you, Zuanthrol," she said. "I will help you to escape. Because I love you I shall do this. Come! Follow me!" She turned and moved softly across the apartment.
"But my companions," said the ape-man. "I