wall. Their candle revealed a narrow passage that showed indications of much more recent use than those through which they had passed from the quarters of Kalfastoban. The wall they had passed through to reach it was of stone, but that upon the opposite side was of studding and rough boards.
"This is a passage built along the side of a paneled room," whispered Komodoflorensal.
"The other side of these rough boards supports beautifully polished panels of brilliant woods or burnished metals."
"Then there should be a door, you think, opening from this passage into the adjoining chamber?" asked Tarzan.
"A secret panel, more likely," he replied.
They walked along the passage, listening intently. At first they had just been able to distinguish that the voice they heard was that of a woman; but now they heard the words.
"—had they let me have him," was the first that they distinguished.
"Most glorious mistress, this would not have happened then," replied another female voice.
"Zoanthrohago is a fool and deserves to die; but my illustrious father, the king, is a bigger fool," spoke the first voice. "He will kill Zoanthrohago and with him the chance of discovering the secret of making our warriors giants. Had they let me buy this Zuanthrol he would not have