his weight had affected his agility. He had hoped to reach a handhold upon the upper edge of the opening, but instead he shot entirely through it, alighting upon his feet in a dark chamber. Turhing he looked down at his friends below. Consternation was writ large upon the countenance of each; but at that he could not wonder. He was almost as much surprised himself.
"Is it too far for you to jump?" he asked.
"Too far!" they replied.
He swung, then, head downward through the opening, catching the edge of the trap in the hollow of his knees. At the gallery door the knocking was becoming insistent and now at that leading into the quarters of Hamadalban a man’s voice had supplanted that of the woman. The fellow was demanding entrance, angrily.
"Open!" he shouted. "In the name of the king, open!"
"Open yourself!" shouted the fellow who had been hammering at the opposite door, thinking that the demand to open came from the interior of the chamber to which he sought admission.
"How can I open?" screamed back the other. "The door is locked upon your side!"
"It is not locked upon my side. It is locked upon yours," cried the other, angrily.
"You lie!" shouted he who sought entrance from Hamadalban’s quarters, "and you will pay well when this is reported to the king."