" WHERE now?" demanded Komodoflorensal as the two emerged from the mouth of The Slaves’ Corridor and stood for a moment in the brilliant sunlight without.
"Lead the way to the quarry where we were confined and to the chamber in which we slept."
"You must be weary of your brief liberty," remarked the Trohanadalmakusian.
"We are returning for Talaskar, as I promised," Tarzan reminded him.
"I know," said the Zertolosto, "and I commend your loyalty and valor while deprecating your judgment. It will be impossible to rescue Talaskar. Were it otherwise I should be the first to her assistance; but I know, and she knows, that, for her, escape is beyond hope. We will but succeed in throwing ourselves again into the hands of our masters."
"Let us hope not," said Tarzan; "but, if you feel as you say, that our effort is foredoomed to failure and that we shall but be recaptured, do not accompany me. My only real need of you is to guide me to the apartment where Talaskar is confined. If you can direct me to it that is all I ask."