Tales of the Long Bow
ous process for making artificial silk, and we figured that publicity would do the rest. We came out with the second set of posters: 'She Wants it Now.' . . . 'The Most Wonderful Woman on Earth is waiting by the Old Fireside, hoping you'll bring her home a Pig's Whisper Purse.'"
"A purse!" gasped Hilary.
"I see you're on the notion," proceeded the unmoved American. "We called 'em Pig's Whisper Purses after the smartest and most popular poster we ever had: 'There was a Lady Loved a Swine.' You know the nursery rhyme, I guess; featured a slap-up princess whispering in a pig's ear. I tell you there isn't a smart woman in the States now that can do without one of our pig-silk purses, and all because it upsets the proverb. Why, see here———"
Hilary Pierce had sprung wildly to his feet with a sort of stagger and clutched at the American's arm.
"Found! Found! "he cried hysterically. "Oh, sir, I implore you to take the chair! Do, do take the chair!"
"Take the chair!" repeated the astonished millionaire, who was already almost struggling in his grasp. "Really, gentlemen, I hadn't sup-