art, and laid such strong spells on the Princess Aubergine that she could no longer resist them, and was obliged to answer truly; so when the wicked Queen asked
'Princess Aubergine! tell me true
In what thing does your life lie?
the poor Princess was obliged to answer
'In a river far away there lives a red and green fish. Inside the fish there is a bumble bee, inside the bee a tiny box, and inside the box is the wonderful nine-lakh necklace. Put it on, and I shall die.'Then the Queen was satisfied, and set about finding the red and green fish. Therefore, when her husband the King came to see her, she began to sob and to cry, until he asked her what was the matter. Then she told him she had set hrt heart on procuring the wonderful nine-lakh necklace.
'But where is it to be found?' asked the King. And the Queen answered in the words of the Princess Aubergine, 'In a river far away there lives a red and green fish. Inside the fish there is a bumble bee, inside the bee a tiny box, and in the box is the nine-lakh necklace.'
Now the King was a very kind man, and had grieved sincerely for the loss of his seven young sons, who, the Queen said, had died suddenly of an infectious disease. Seeing his wife so distressed, and being anxious to comfort her, he gave orders }that every fisherman in his kingdom was to fish all day until the red and green fish was found. So all the fishermen set to work, and cre long the Queen's desire was fulfilled the red and green fish was caught, and when the wicked sorceress opened it, there was the