Count's mother wished to see the dress she had embroidered for the bride tried first on her to see if it fitted, and how it looked on her, as she was about the same height and the same figure as the future Countess.
Two maids of honour came to help her to dress, and the negro disappeared. When she had finished dressing, the Count himself appeared, dressed most magnificently and glittering with jewels; he then told her that he was the negro, for he had disguised himself as such, and all he had done to her was for her good, on account of the great love he bore her. He told her that when he returned to his own palace after she had discarded him he felt so miserable he knew he could not live without her, or be happy with anyone else. The princess, all in tears, knelt at his feet and kissed them, saying she was his slave then, but was ready and most happy to be his wife for the future. The Count raised her and embraced her.
The marriage took place the same day. From the loft she was conducted in state to the church, where everything had been prepared beforehand for the ceremony.
The princess, now Countess of Paris, had learnt wisdom by her trials; the Count was the kindest of husbands, and they lived happily ever after.