by the beauty of the dead girl's countenance and the eyelids that were fringed with long silken lashes. He admired her pretty hands and feet and the silver band twined in the luxuriant tresses of her hair. His heart beat fast as he looked into her face and wondered if it were possible to call down a fairy who, with her magic wand, would bring back to life the little beauty whom he sighed to snatch from death and call his own. When the prince had recovered from his reverie, he determined at least to take with him a keepsake of the beautiful figure, and uncovering the coffin he pulled off one of the pretty little slippers. But he had hardly done so when one of the girl's eyes opened, and the king's son seeing this, immediately pulled off the other slipper, and behold, the other eye opened also, and the girl came to life again. The prince, in the greatest delight, took her by the hand and helped her out of the coffin; and she came forth, if possible, fresher and fairer than ever.
The prince now sent one of his attendants for a carriage to take the maiden to the palace and present her to the king. And a few weeks after this event the prince married the girl amid great rejoicings. Among all the Court beauties, there was not one to compare with the sweet little bride in grace and loveliness.
The prince then took his bride to her mother's inn,