She now hastened down stairs to acquaint her lover with what the old man had said; on hearing which he resolved at once to quit the tower, and endeavour to gain possession of that wonderful chest, and all it contained; and remembering the promised assistance of his three brothers-in-law, he called them to his aid.
Then those three mysterious beings dived down to the bottom of the sea, and between them they heaved up the heavy chest, and delivered it into the hands of the young man, who immediately opened it with his magical key. When he found himself in possession of the great egg, in the way described by the old man, he hastened to the tower, which immediately opened its gates in a mysterious manner. He found the old man, as usual, crouching in a corner, and broke the egg upon his head, and the shrieks he uttered were so loud and terrible that they shook both the sea and the land.
The moment the old man was dead the maiden was disenchanted; she appeared more beautiful than before, and her countenance beamed with joy and love. The fisherman's son removed her to his home and hearth, and married her.
Then he returned for his three sisters and brought them home, and they all lived together ever after, happy and prosperous.