King Valemon, the White Bear
"Yes, it was."
"Well, he passed by yesterday, but he went so fast you'll never be able to catch him up."
This little girl played about on the floor with a flask, which was of that kind it poured out every drink any one wished to have.
"But this poor wife," said the girl, "who has to go so far on such bad ways, I think she may well be thirsty and suffer much other ill. No doubt she needs this flask more than I;" and so she asked if she might have leave to give her the flask. Yes, that leave she might have.
So the princess got the flask, and thanked them, and set off again away through the same wood, both that day and the next night, too. The third morning she came to a hut, where there was also an old wife and a little girl.
"Good-day!" said the princess.
"Good-day to you," said the old wife.
"Have you seen anything of King Valemon, the white bear?" she asked.
"Maybe it was you who was to have him?" said the old wife.
"Yes, it was."
"Well, he passed by here the day before yesterday, but he went so fast you'll never be able to catch him up," she said.
This little girl played about on the floor with a napkin, which was of that kind that when one said on it, "Napkin, spread yourself out and be covered with all dainty dishes," it did so, and where it was there was never any want of a good dinner.