The Golden Palace
the ceremonies himself; and when he came on board the princess's ship, he took off his hat and bowed and scraped, and bent himself before her.
"Can that be your father, my son?" said the princess to her boy, who was playing with a golden apple.
"No," said the child, "my father doesn't crawl about like a cheese-mite."

So they sent another of the same stamp, and this time it was Ritter Red. But it fared no better with him than with the first one, and the princess sent word by him, if they didn't make haste and send the right one, it should go ill with them. When they heard that, they were forced to wake up Boots with the water of life; and so he went down to the ship to the princess, but he didn't make too low a bow, I should think; he only nodded his head, and brought out the breadth he