discontent to satisfaction. But I will turn to a pleasanter subject—the zeal and constancy of Griselda.
Active in everything that could tend to forward the entertainment, she was the wonder and astonishment of all the household, who shortly before had received her commands as a mistress, yet delivered in the same mild and even tone. And when the guests arrived, she was seen in her peasant's dress, receiving each, according to their station, with a simple dignity and discretion which surprised them all, when they considered her poor appointment, ignorant as they were of her former quality. Nor did she even refrain from praising the beauty of the young maiden and her brother. At length, when the company had sat down to the feast, the Marquis sent for her, and in a sporting tone enquired how she approved of the beauty of his new wife.—'My Lord,' said she, 'I never beheld a fairer lady;— happiness and prosperity attend you both to the end of your lives. One thing allow me, I beseech you; which is, to warn you against tormenting this tender maiden, as it has been