raven's wing. A golden coronet of enormous weight, studded with diamonds and rubies, circled his brows. About his chariot went twenty or more mastiff-hounds that he employed in lion-hunting. They followed in leashes, muzzled, and collared with golden collars. A hundred lords were in his company, armed cap-à-piè and stout of heart.
The great Emetrius, King of India, accompanied Arcite. He came riding like the God Mars, upon a bay steed clad in steel, covered with cloth of gold: the saddle was inlaid with finely wrought gold. His coat armour was made of silk, trimmed with fair large pearls; and from his shoulders hung a short mantle thickly embroidered with rubies glowing like fire. His crisp yellow hair danced in ringlets around his neck like sunbeams. He had a high and arched nose, eyes of a bright hazel colour; full and round lips, and a sanguine complexion. Moreover, his face was sprinkled with a few freckles of a mingled dark and light yellow hue. His manner of looking round him was like that of a lion. His beard was young and vigorous, (he appeared to be about five