Athens, and thus behold his lady almost every day. With this he changed his suit for that of a poor labourer; and all alone, except with one attendant, who knew his secret and all his fortune, and was disguised as poorly as himself, to Athens he travelled straightway. One day he went to Court, and at the gate proffered his services to do such menial work as might be required. To cut the matter short, he fell in with the chamberlain to the Lady Emily, who hired him to hew wood and draw water, being young and large of bone.
Having served a year or two as page of the chamber to the fair Emily, under the name of Philostrate, he so wrought upon all who knew him at the Court, by the gentleness of his condition, that all said it would be advisable for Theseus to raise him in his degree, and give him honourable service, in which he might prove his quality. And thus so enhanced was the fame of his conduct and fair speech, that Theseus promoted him to be near his person, and appointed him squire of his chamber; at the same time giving him gold to maintain his dignity. He also secretly received his rent