his liberty without ransom, to go wherever he pleased, with this express provision, that if he ever after were discovered for one moment, by day or by night, within any district of the territory belonging to Theseus, that he should lose his head without redemption.
Now were the perplexity and sorrow of Arcite at their height. Release from affliction had now become his bane: 'Had I never known Perithous,' said he, 'I might still have been dwelling with Theseus, though fettered in his prison: I had then been in bliss; for the simple sight of her whom I serve, although I might never have merited the favour of her regard, would have been sufficient recompence to me. Yours is the victory, my dear Palamon, in this adventure: for you will remain in this blessed prison:—prison did I call it?—a paradise. And now, since fortune has been so adverse to me, that I am to endure the absence from her, while you enjoy her sight, the possibility is, that being an honourable and valiant knight, you may hereafter by some farther favour of fortune, be placed in the full attainment of all you desire, while I am exiled, and