figured before me, a wretched and sorrowful creature, assist our escape from this prison: but if the eternal word of fate has doomed us here to die, have compassion upon our kindred, brought so low by oppression and tyranny.'
At this moment Arcite also perceived the lady, and was as much affected as Palamon, and even more, by her surpassing beauty. 'If,' said he, 'I may not be granted the blessing of even looking upon her again, my doom is fixed.'
When Palamon heard these words he turned upon him fiercely, and answered, 'Is this said in soberness or in jest?'
'Seriously by my truth,' said Arcite, 'or evil befall me.'
'Then,' replied Palamon, knitting his brows, 'it were no great honour to you to be false, and a traitor to me, your cousin and brother, who have so deeply sworn to each other, that nothing but death should separate us, and dissolve the pledge: that neither in love nor in any event we should cross each other; but that upon all occasions you should as faithfully serve me, as I should forward your good fortune.
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