at a stated price per head; and that we would—both high and low—be ruled by his decision. All this, and the wine at the same time, having been discussed, without longer delay, we all went to roost.
At day-spring up rose our host, and was chanticleer to the whole company, collecting us together in a flock; and forth we rode at a walking pace to the watering-place of St. Thomas; when he drew up his horse and said: 'My masters, you bear in mind your covenant.—Now let us see who shall tell the first tale; and so sure as I drink ale or wine, whoever shall rebel against my judgment, shall pay all the costs of the journey. Before we proceed farther, draw lots, and let him who draws the shortest, begin.'
'Sir Knight,' said he, 'my lord and master, be pleased to draw: and come you near, my Lady Prioress: and you, Sir Clerk, oblige us by laying aside your bashfulness and your studying: so—every man lay hand.'
After each had drawn, the lot fell upon the Knight, to the satisfaction of the whole company.