puus auctor Societatis, is the title of a chapter in this their secular volume, which is a curious and very beautiful book. Then follows Beata Virgo nutrix, patrona, imò altera velut auctor Societatis. Lastly, Post Christum et Mariam Societatis Auctor et Parens sanctus Ignatius.
"On the 26th August 1794, the French plundered the rich church of Loyola, at Azpeitia, and proceeding to Elgoibas, loaded five carts with the spoils of the church of that place. This party of marauders consisted of 200. The peasants collected, fell upon them, and after an obstinate conflict of three hours, recovered the whole booty, which they conveyed to Vittoria in triumph. Among other things, a relic of Loyola was recovered, which was carried in procession to the church, the victorious peasants accompanying it."—Marcillac, Hist, de la Guerre de l'Espagne, p. 86.
Vaccination.—Canto I. st. 1.
It is odd that in Hindostan, where it might have been supposed superstition would have facilitated the introduction of this practice, a pious fraud was found necessary for removing the prejudice against it.
Mooperal Streenivaschary, a Brahmin, thus writes to Dr. Anderson at Madras, on vaccine inoculation.
"It might be useful to remove a prejudice in the minds of the people, arising from the term cow-pock, being taken literally in our Tamul tongue; whereas