27. Enallos and Cymodameia.
28. The Children of Venus.
29. Cupid and Pan.
30. The Death of Clytemnestra; The Madness of Orestes; The Prayer of Orestes.
32. The Last of Ulysses.
33. Imaginary Conversations: Lady Lisle and Elizabeth Gaunt.
35. Pro monumento super milites regio jussu interemptos.
36. The Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare.
37. Pericles and Aspasia.
38. The Pentameron.
39. Imaginary Conversations: Epicurus, Leontion, and Ternissa.
40. Marcellus and Hannibal: P. Scipio Æmilianus, Polybius, and Pansetius.
41. Alexander and Priest of Ammon: Bonaparte and the President of the Senate.
42. The Empress Catherine and Princess Dashkoff.
43. Vittoria Colonna and Michel-Angelo Buonarroti.
44. Andrea of Hungary, Giovanna of Naples, Fra Rupert; a Trilogy: Five Scenes (Beatrice Cenci).
45. Luther's Parents: The Death of Hofer: (Imaginary Conversations} Andrew Hofer, Count Metternich, and the Emperor Francis; Judge Wolfgang and Henry of Melchthal: The Coronation: Tyrannicide (The Last Fruit off an Old Tree}: Walter Tyrrel and William Rufus: Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn.