her wedding day, then the tears began to fall, and her soul sank within her. But at that moment the Duke called, “Griselda, where is Griselda?”
On this, she came forth into the great feast chamber from whence he called. At the head of the room stood the Duke, still handsome and youthful; and on each side of him a noble youth and maiden, both fresh, blooming, and beautiful.
A sudden faintness overcame Griselda at the sight. She grew dizzy, and would have fallen, if Duke Walter had not quickly caught her in his arms.
“Look up, Griselda, dear wife,” he cried, “for thou art my dear wife, and all I shall ever claim. I have tried enough thy faith and patience. Know, truly, that I love thee most dear; and these are thy children returned to thee, whom for so many years I have cruelly kept hid from thee.”
When Griselda heard these words, as one who hears in a dream, she fell into a deep swoon, from which for a time neither the voice of her husband, nor the tears and kisses of her children, could rouse her. But when she was brought back to life, to find herself in the arms of her lord, and meet the loving looks of her children, she was speedily her calm and gentle self again.