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Bulletin Econouiique.— Revue de Madagascar. Autananaiivo.

iStatistiques Generales. Gouvernement General de Madagascar et dependances. Melun, 1909.

Treaties concluded between France and Madagascar, August 8, 1868 ; Deoeinber 12, 1885. and September 30, 1895.

2. Non-Ofeioial Publications.

Antananarivo Annual.

Burleigh (B.), Two Campaigns : Madagascar and Ashantec. Loudon, 1896.

Carol (J.), Chez les Hova, au Pays Rouge. Paris, 1898.

Cousins (Rev.W. E.), Madagascar of To-day. London, 1895.

Dawson (E. W.), Madagascar ; its Capabilities and Resources. Loudon, 1895.

Ellis (Rev. W.), History of Madagascar, 2 vols. London, 1838. Three Visits to Madagascar, Loudon, 1858. Madagascar Revisited. London, 1867.

Foucart (&,)> Madagascar, Commerce, Colonisation. Paris, 1899.

Qautier, Guide du colon k Madagascar. Paris, 1896.— Essai de Geographic Physique. Paris.

Grandidier(A..), Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. Paris, 1876. In 50 4to. volumes, Avith many hundred plates, still in progress. — Collection des Ouvrages anciens concernant Madagascar. 3 vols. Paris, 1905.— Bibliographic de Madagascar. Paris, 1907.

Gravier (G.), Madagascar. Paris, 1904,

Gennep (A. van), Tabou et le totemisme a Madagascar. Paris, 1904.

Guillain (Captain), Documents sur I'histoire, la geographie et le commerce de la pari it' occidentale de Madagascar. Paris, 1845.

Hocquard (E.), L'Expedition de Madagascar. Paris, 1897.

Johnston (Sir Harry), Tlie Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899. ■

Keller (C), Madagascar, Mauritius, and other East African Islands. London, 1900.

Knight (E. F.), Madagascar in War Time. London, 1896.

Lyautey (Col.), Dans le Sud de Madagascar. Paris, 1908.

Madagascar au Debut du XX® Siecle. Paris, 1902.

Mager (H.), La Vie a Madagascar. Paris, 1899.

Maude (F. C), Five Years in Madagascar. London, 1895.

Matthews {H. T.), Thirty Years in Madagascar. London, 1904,

Oliver (S. P.), Madagascar and the Malagasy, London, 1866. Madagascar. 2 vols. London, 1886.— The True Story of the French Dispute in Madagascar. London, 1885.

Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales concernant I'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.

Pappenheim (Haupt Graf zu), Madagascar : Studien, Schilderungen, and Erlebuisse. Berlin, 1906.

Piolet (Fere J. B.), Madagascar : sa Description et ses Habitants. Paris, 1895. Madagas- car et les Hova. Paris, 1895.— Les Missions Catholiques Francaises au XIX^ Siecle. Vol. IV. Paris, 1902.

Eoux (J. Charles), Les voies de Communication, &c., a Madagascar. Paris,

Sibree (Rev. James), Madagascar and its People. London, 1870. The Gi'eat African Island. London, 1880. Madagascar before the Conquest. London, 1896.

Vaissi'ere (Pere de la), Histoire de Madagascar : ses habitants et ses missiouaii'cs. 2 vols. Paris, 1884,— Vingt ans a Madagascar, Paris, 1885,

You {A.) Madagascar: Histoire, Organisation, Colonisation. Paris, 1905.


The archipelago of the Comoro Islands, comprising Mayotte, Anjouan, Grande Comore and Moheli, forms a colony which in 1908 was united to the general government of Madagascar.

The island of Mayotte (140 square miles) had a population (1906) of 9,989 inhabitants. There is an increasing emigration to Zanzibar and Madagascar. in 1902 there were 3 schools with 3 teachers and 78 pupils. The chief pro- duct was formerly sugar, but the cultivation of vanilla has now superseded that of the sugar cane. There are now only three sugar works and two distilleries for rum. Besides vanilla and sugar, cacao, alois and perfume plants (citronella, ylang-ylang, patchouli, &;c.) are cultivated.

Grand Comore, Moheli, Anjouan, and a number of smaller islands, have an area of about 620 square miles and population in 1911 of 94,844 (94,347

natives, and 497 Europeans). The Sultan of Grande Comore on February 7,

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