The telegraph of Algeria consisted in 1911 of 8,977 miles of line and 24,550 miles of wire, with 684 offices. Telephone urban systems, 4,690 miles of line ; inter-iirhan, 7,667 miles of line.
The Bank of Algeria, whose privilege has been extended to the end of 1920, is a bank of issue, with a capital of 20,000,000 francs, but its note circulation must not in any case exceed 150,000,000 francs. Several co- operative agricultural banks, assisted by Government fundsj are in operation. There are in Algeria 7 savings banks with, on December 31, 1909, 19,427 depositors, the amount due to depositors being 6,786,367 francs.
British Consul-General for Algeria. — B. Cave, C. B.
Vice-Consul at Algiers. — L. G. C. Graham.
Vice-Consuls at Arzeu, Bone, Oran, and Philippeville.
Money, Weights, and Measures.
The money, weights, and measures of France only are used.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Algeria.
1. Official Publications.
Annuaire statistique de la France. Paris.
Documents statistiques sur le commerce de I'Algevie. Annual since 1902. Algor.
Expose de la situation genevale de I'Algerie. Annual.
Grand Annuaire, Commercial, Industriel, Adiainistratif, Agricole et Viticole de I'Algerie et de la Tunisie. Annual. Paris.
Statistique Generale de I'Algerie. Alger. Ann\ial.
Le Pays du Mouton ; des conditions d'existence des troupeaux sur Ics hauts-plateaux et dans le sud de I'Algerie. Published by the Government General. Alger, 1S93.
Reports by the Commission d'Etude des Questions Algeriennes : — Depositions du 1 Mai au 20 Juillet, 1891 ; Rejiort by M. Combes on the primary instruction of the natives ; Report on the Bank of Algeria; Report by Jules Ferry on the Government of Algeria ; Report bj' M. Clamageran on the fiscal regime of Algeria ; Report by Jules Guichard on the Regime Forestier of Algeria. Paris, 1892.
Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.
2, Non-Official Publications.
Beaulieu (P. Leroy), L'Algerie et la Tunisie. 2nd ed. Paris, 1897.
Belloc (Hilaire), Esto I'erpetua : Algerian Studies and Impressions London, 1900.
Bernard (i\ugustin), La Penetration Saharienne. Alger, 1906.
Bcurmand (F.), Le Marechal Bugeaud. Paris, 1895.
Castel (P.), Teliessa. 2 vols. Paris, 1904.
CasUran (A.), L'Algerie FranQaise. Paris, 19Q0.
Charveriat (F.), A travers la Kabylie et les Questions Kabyles. Paris, noo.
Cook's Practical Gtiide to Algiers, Al;.;eria, and Tunisia. London, 1904.
Devereux (R.), Aspects of Algeria: Historical, Political, Colonial. London, 1912.
Estoublon (R.), Collection complete de la Jurisprudence Algerienne depuis la conquete jusqu'a 1895. 24 vols. Alger.
Estournelles de Constant (Baron P. de), Les Congregations religieuses chez les Arabes et la Conquete de I'Afrique du Nord. Paris, 1887.
Gaffarel(P.), L'Algerie: histoire, conquete, colonisation. Paris, 1SS8.
Oiaudin (L), Le dernier Marechal de France (Canrobert). Paris, 1895.
Guide Joanne : Algerie et Tunisie. Paris, 1902.
Hilton-Simpson (M. W.), Algiers and Beyond. London, 1906.
Keane (A. H.), Africa. Vol. L North Africa,' 2iid ed. In Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. London , 1907.
Laveleye (Emile de), L'Algerie et Tunisie. Paris, 1887.
Lehon (A.), La Politique de la France en Afrique, 1896-98. Paris, 1901 .
il/acj«<7/ait'5 Guides: The Western Mediterranean. London 1902,