The French Chambers have alone the right of legislating for Algeria, while such matters as do not come within the legislative power are regulated by decree of the President of the Republic. Each department sends one senator and two deputies to the National Assembly.
Governor-General. — M. Lutaud, appointed March 22, 1911.
Area and Population.
The census of March 4, 1906, showed a population (including the military forces) amounting to 5,231,850 on an area of 184,474 sq. miles. Since 1901 the area has been increased by the acquisition of new territories in the south, and now extends to about 343,500 sq, miles. The colony has been organised in 2 great divisions called respectively Northern and Southern Algeria. Northern Algeria consists as formerly of Civil Territory and Territoire de Commandement, but the Civil Territory has been extended, while the Territoire de Commandement has been diminished and will before long be completely merged in the Civil Territory. Northern Algeria contains 17 arrondissements and 269 communes and 74 are mixed communes. Southern Algeria consists of the 4 Territories of Ain Sefra, Ghardaia, Touggout, and the Saharan Oases, organized under decree of August 14, 1905. Those territories contain 12 communes of which 5 are mixed and 7 native.
Population, including military forces, on March 5, 1911 : —
Municipal Population
Population numbered separately.
Euro- pean
Native ' Total
Euro- ]iean
Native Total
Grand Total
Northern Territory Southern Territory
Grand Total .
746,. 10 5,533
4,259,4745,005.984, 40,038 23,500 03,538 5,069,522 481,052, 486,5851 3,441 4,280 7,72ll 494,306
4,740,526 5,492,569' 43,479 27,7S0| 71,259|5,563,S2S
Population according to Departements and Territories in 1911
Northern Algeria (Departements)
Southern Algeria (Territories)
Alger .... Oran . . . . . Constantine .
1,720,881 1,230,195 2.118,446
Ain Sefi'a Ghardaia Touggout Saharan Oases
The total population in 1891 was 4,124,732, in 1896, 4,429,421. In 1906, the native population numbered 4,447,149; Trench, 449,420; naturalised Jews and their offspring, 64,645 ; Tunisians, 3,083 ; Moroccans, 25,277 ; Spaniards, 117,475; Italians, 33,153 ; other foreigners, 17,849. Of the municipal population of Northern Algeria, 2,484 400 were males, and
2,236,5742were female .