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The republic of Andorra, which i.s under the joint suzerainty of Franco and the Spanish Bishop of Urgel, has an area of 175 square miles and a population of 5,231. It is governed by a council of twenty-four members elected for four years by the heads of families in each parish. The council elect a first and second syndic to preside ; the executive power is vested in the fii'st syndic, while the judicial power is exercised by a civil judge and two magistrates {vifiiders). France and the Bishop of Urgel appoint each a magistrate and a civil judge alternately, A permanent delegate, the Prefect of the Pyrenees Oricntales, moreover, has charge of the interests of France in the republic.
References. — The guide-books for Spain. BVUde (J. P.), Etudes geograpliiques sur la V'allee d'Andorre. Paris, 1875. ^i'(7cs Jruait (J.), El Pallas y Andorra. Barcelona, 1893. Die andorranische Frage, in "Deutsche Rundschau Geog." 20, Vienna, 1898. Leanj (L. G.), Andorra. The Hidden Republic. London, 1912. Spender (H.). Through the High
Pyrenees. London, 1898.