This is the jubilee volume of the Statesman's Year-Book, which was founded fifty years ago by the late Frederick Martin. An attempt has been made in the introductory matter and in the maps to indicate the contrast in certain aspects of the states of the world between then and now. Many changes have taken place in the internal constitutions and the external relations of the various states with which the Year-Book is concerned. The Year-Book itself has nearly trebled in size during the period. Many more aspects of the different states are dealt with now than was the case in the early form of the work, as may be seen by comparing the volume for the present year with its earliest predecessor.
In the present issue special attention is drawn to the introductory matter and maps and to the "Additions and Corrections." As far as possible the changes which have taken place in the relations of certain states—Tripoli, Morocco, China, the Balkan Peninsula—have been dealt with. Under Canada a separate notice of each province has been added, while in other directions, as in agricultural statistics, considerable additions have been made. Throughout, the statistical and other information has been brought up to the latest available date.
The British Empire has again been under the care of Mr. Augustus D. Webb, B.Sc.; the Army, of Colonel C. E. Callwell, C.B.; the Navy, of Mr. Fred. T. Jane. I offer my warmest thanks to all those throughout the world who have kindly co-operated in the compilation of the new edition.
J. S. K.
St. Martin's Street,
London, W.C.
April 8, 1913.