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Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Ecitadoti in Great Britain.

Minuter. — Vacant.

Consul-General. — C. Nevares (London).

There are Consular Representatives at Birmingham. Cardiff, Glasgow, Hull, Liverpool (C.G.), Manchester, Southampton, and Falmouth.

2. Of Great Britain in Ecuador.

Minister. — Q. L. des Graz (who is also Minister at Lima, Peru). Consul at Guayaquil. — A. Cartwright. Consul at Quito.— G. W. E. Griffith (also Charg^ d' Affaires). Vice-Consul at Guayaquil. — George Powell.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Ecuador

1, Official Publications.

Geografla y Geologia del Ecuador, publicado por orden del Supremo Gobierno de la Republica, por Dr. Teodoro Wolf. Leipzic, 1893.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series, and Miscellaneous Series. London.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. London.

Monthly Bulletins of the Bureau of the American Republics. Wasliington.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Campos, Galeria de Ecuatorianos celebres. Guayaquil, 1881.

Cevallos, Compendio del resumen de la historia del Ecuador. Guayaquil, 1885, Resiimen de la historia del Ecuador. Guayaquil, 1886. Geografia del Ecuador. Lima, 1888.

Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. Annual Report. London,

Flemming (B.), Wanderungen in Ecuador. Leipzig, 1872.

Gerstacker (Friedrich), Achtzehn Monate in Slid-Amerika, 3 vols. Leipzig, 1863.

Gonzalez Sudrez, Historia ecclesiastica del Ecuador. Quito, 1881.

Hassaurek (F.), Four Years among Spanish Americans. 3rd edition. Cincinnati, 1881.

HerreraiV.), Apuntes jiara la historia de Quito. Quito, 1874.

Kaujviann (A. G.), Garcia Morena, Priisident der Republik Ecuador. Freiburg, 1891 .

Kean (A. H.) and Markham (Sir 0. R.), Central and South America. Vol I. [In Stanford's Compendium.] •2nd ed. London, 1009.

Orton (Prof.), The Andes and the Amazon. New York.

Oviedoy FaWes, Hi-storia de las Indias. Madrid, 1885.

Reiss (W.), and Stiibel(A.), Hochgebirge der Republik Ecuador. 3 vols. Berlin, 1892-98.

Sc/iioar(Za(T.), Reiseum die Erde. Vol. III. Braunschweig, 1861.

Simson (Alfred), Travels in the Wilds of Ecuador. London, 1887.

Stiibel (A.), Die Vulkanberge von Ecuador. [Geology and Topography.] Berlin, 1897.

rerftat/a;-Compans(L.),Histoireduroyaumede Quito. Traduitede I'Espagnol. (Velasco, Historia del reino de Quito.) 2 vols. Paris, 1840.

Wagner (Moritz Friedrich), Reisen in Eucador ; in ' Zeitschriftfiirallgcnieine Erdkunde. Vol. xvi. Berlin, 1864.

Whymper (Edward), Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. London, 180?.

Wolf(T.), Geografia y Geologia del Ecuador. Leipzig, 1891.

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