754 CUBA
Books of Reference concerning Cuba.
Report of the Committee on Foreiga Relatious on Affairs in Cuba. United States Senate, No. 885. Fifty-fifth Congress. Washington.
United States Consular Reports. Washington. .. c ^ r. ioAr
Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics tor September, VMo.
AVashington. _ , , , , nr • • *« ^«
Estadistica General: Comercio Exterior. Quarterly and Annual.— Moviiniento de Poblacion. Monthly and Annual. Havana.
Informe Bi-Anual Sanitario y Demografico. Havana.
Atkins (J. B.), The War in Cuba. London, 1899.
CfaWc (W. J.), Commercial Cuba. London, 1899. . ^ ^ -.o^o
Davey (R ), Cuba in War Time. London, 1897.— Cuba Past and Present. London, 1S9S. - Fi8ke(A. K.), History of the Islands of the West Indian Archipelago. New York, 1899.
Gallahan (J. M.). Cuba and International Relatious. London, 1902.
Leslie's Official History of the Spanish- American War. Washington, 1899.
Piron (H.), L'Ue de Cuba. Paris, 1898.
Porter (R. P.), Industrial Cuba. New York, 1899.
Roosevelt (Th.), The Rough Riders. London, 1899.
Rowan (A. S.), and Ramsey (M. M.), The Island of Cuba. London, 1S9S.