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meiit undertook to assist Mongolia to maintain the autonomous 7^igime she has established, to support her right to have a national army, and to admit neither the presence of Chinese troops on her soil nor the colonization by the Chinese of her territory. The Mongolian Sovereign and Government will assure to Russian subjects and Russian commerce as in the past the full enjoyment of their rights and privileges as enumerated in the Protocol, and it is clearly understood that no other foreign subjects in Mongolia shall be granted fuller rights than those accorded to Russian subjects. Early in February 1913, Russian officers were sent to Mongolia as military instructors, to raise a native mounted brigade on the Cossack model.

Mongolia is to all intents an independent state, though China has not as yet recognised it.

Buddhist Lamaism is the prevalent form of religion, the Lamas having their residence at Urga and other centres.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Chinese Empire.

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China Review. — Hong Kong. China Recorder. — Shanghai.

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Bishop (Mrs. Isabella), The Yangtze Valley and Beyond. Loudon, 1899.— Pictures from China. London, 1900.

Bland (J.O.P.), and Backhouse (E.), China under the Empress Dowager. London, 1911. — Recent Events and Present Policies in China. (By Bland). London, 1912.

Borel (H.), The New China, London, 1912.

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Brandt (M. von), Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost Asien. Leipzig, 1901.

Brown (A. J.), New Forces in Old China. New York, 1904.

Brvce (Major C. D), In the Footsteps of Marco Polo. London, 1907.

Cantlie (J.), and Jones (C. S.), Sun Yat Sen and the Awakening of China. London, 1912

Clarke (R. S.) and Sowerby (A. C), Through Shen-Kan. An Account of the Clark Expedition in North China, 1908-9. London, 1912.

Colquhoun (A. R.), China in Transformation. London, 1898. — The 'Overland' to China. London, 1900.— The Problem in China and British Policy. London, 1900.

Cordier (H.), Histoire des Relations de la Chine avec les Puissances Occidentales 1860-1900). 2 vols. Paris, 1901-02.

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Dofiein (F.), Ostasienfahrt : Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen ... in China, Japan, und Ceylon. Leipzig, 1906.

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2nd ed. Loudon, 1900.— Europe and the Far East. Cambridge, 1904.

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