Money and Credit.
There is a National Bank of Bulgaria, with headquarters at Sofia and branches at Philippopolis, Rustchuk, Varna, Burgas, Tirnovo and 59 agencies in the different towns of Bulgaria ; its capital is 10,000,000 leva, provided by the State with a reserve fund of, 1911, 7,323,671, and it has authority to issue both gold notes and silver notes. The latter were issued for the first time in December, 1899 ; in September, 1911, the note issue amounted to 94,512,000 gold, and 28,600,000 silver. Three foreign banks, one German (Banque de Credit, capital 9,000,000 frs.), one Austro-Hun- garian (Banque Balkanique, capital 4,000,000 frs.), and the other French (Banque Generale de Bulgarie, capital 2,000,000 fr.s.) have been founded, having their headquarters at Sofia and branches at Varna, Philippopolis, Rustchuk, and Burgas. There are 120 agricultural banks for making advances on personal security, with an aggregate capital of 42,845,403 leva on December 31, 1910, and power to borrow from the National Bank. There are a few Bulgarian gold coins, of the value of 100, 20, and 10 leva (francs), but the gold circulation is supplied by foreign 10 and 20 franc pieces. There are silver coins of ^ lev, and 1 lev, 2, and 5 leva (francs) ; nickel coins of 2^, 5, 10, and 20 stotinki (centimes) ; the notes of the National Bank circulate at par.
Minister in London. — M. Michel Madjaroff (February, 1912).
Charge cV Affaires. — M. Constantin C. Mincoff.
Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary, and Gonsul-Gcneral. — Sir Henry G. 0. Bax-Ironside, K.C.M.G.
Secretaries.— W. O'Reilly and E. Overy, M.V.O. Military Attache.— ht. -Col. F. Lyon, D.S.O. Vice-Consul. — W. B. Heard. Hon. Attache. — K. E. Digby.
There are Vice-Consuls at Philippopolis and Varna, and Consular Agents at Burgas and Rustchuk.
Books of Reference concerning Bulgaria.
Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.
The Otficial Reports on Commerce, Education, Movement of Population, Agri- culture, &c.
La Bulgarie Contemporaine. Edited by the Bulgarian Ministry of Couinierce and Agriculture. Brussels, 1906.' Eng-. Trans. Bulgaria of To-day. London, 1907.
Handbook of the Armies of the Balkan States. By Captain M. C. P. Ward, Intelli- gence Division, War OfGce. London, 1900.
Beaman (A. H.), M. Stambuloflf. [In series of 'Public Men of to-day.'] London, 1895.— Twenty Years in the Near East. London, 1898.
Bousquet (G.), Histoire du peuple bulgare depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1909.
Cholet (Count A. P. do), Etude sur la guerre bulgaro-serbe. Pans, 1891.
Delaunay ( — ), La Bulgarie d'hier et de demain. Paris, 1907.
Dicey (E.), The Peasant State : An Account: of Bulgaria in 1894. London, 1894.
Drandar{A. G.), Les Evenements politiques en Bulgarie depuis 1876 jusqu'A nos jours. Paris, 1896 —Le Prince Alexandre de Battenberg. Paris, 1884.
Eliot (3ir C), Turkey in Europe. (Latest edition, 1908.)
aolowine (A. P.), Fiirst Alexander von Bulgarien, 1879-1886. Wicn, 1896.
Gubernatis (Coiiite de), La Bulgarie et les Bulgares. Florence, 1899.
Herbert (W. V.), By-Paths in the Balkans. London, 1906.
Huhn (Major A. von). The Struggle of the Balkans for National Independence under Prince Alexander. London, 1886.
Ivantchoff (T.), Article " Bulgarie" in Dictionnaire du Commerce, de I'Industrie, et de la Banque. Paris, 1898.
Jirecek (C), Das Ftirstenthum Bulgarien. Wien, I891.-Geschichte der Bulgaren Prag, 1876.
Kanitz(F.), Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan, 1860-75. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1875-79.
Lamouche (L.), La Bulgarie dans le ]>asseet le present. Paris, 1892.