Ixxvi THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913
Australia. .n.^ooa
Construction of Fleet l,19t),829
Naval agreement (ceases in April, 1013) . . . 175,000
Naval forces 659,378
Naval works 318,050
Total £2,349,257
Canada. Dollars.
Civil Government o3,564
Naval service, ships, dockyards, &c 1,790,017
Tidal service 32,539
Hydrographic surveys li)3,118
Steamer for surveying Gulf and River St. Lawrence . 31,353
Wireless stations 150,000
Fisheries protection service . . . . . • 272,221
New Zealand.
According to the N.Z. Naval Subsidy Act, 1905 (for 10 years from May, 1909) . , . . . . £100,000
(Also the Dreadnought presented by New Zealand.)
South Africa. , ., ^ , -, x, , i. The combined sums formerly contributed by the late Colonies of the Cape of Good Hope (50,000i.) and Natal (35,0001.) ^^'^'0^^
All the male inhabitants of Canada of the age of eighteen years and upwards an*! under
sixtv beiu" British subiects, are liable to service in the Militia, and the Goveinor-General
may require all the male inhabitants of Canada capable of bearing arms to serve in the case
of a levee en masse.
Commonwealth of Australia,
All male inhabitants of Australia who have resided therein for six months and who are British subjects are liable to be trained from the age of twelve to fourteen in the junior cadets, from fourteen to eighteen in the senior cadets, from eighteen to twenty-five in the citizen forces from twenty-five to twenty-six in the citizen torces ; but except m time ot imminent daAger of war during the last period the service shall be limited to one registra- tion or one muster parade in each year. . , , x, ■ ^ ■ „v,+i,., „r,^ o^^
All male inhabitants of Australia who have resided therein for six months and are British subjects and who are between the ages of eighteen and sixty years are m time ot war liable to herve in the citizen forces.
New Zealand.
All male inhabitants of New Zealand who have resided therein for six months and are British subjects are liable to be trained from the age of twelve to fourteen, or on the date of leaving school, whichever is the later, in the junior cadets ; from fourteen years, oi tlit date of leaving school, to eighteen years, or in the case uf those who on attaining the age of eichteen years arc attending a secondary school, to the date of their leaving school^ in the senior- cadets ; and from eighteen years or the date of leaving a ^•'.cond^jy school to twenty-five years in the general training section, or the Territorial t orce m the ca„e of then transfer to that force, and from twenty-five years to thirty years lu the Re«tnve
The Militia of New Zealand includes all the male inhabitants of New Zealand between the ages of seventeen and fifty-five who have resided in New Zealand for a period ot six
months, and all these persons are liable to be called out m time of war.