The following table shows the number of Deputies from the different States and from the Federal district : —
. 4
Alagoas .
. 6
Rio Grande do Sul . 16
. 7
Sergipe .
. 4
Minas Geraes . . 37
. 7
Bahia .
. 22
Goyaz ... 4
Piauh^ .
Espirito Santo
, 4
Matto Grosso . . 4
. 10
Rio de Janeiro
Federal District . 10
Rio Grande do Norte 4
Sao Paulo
. 22
. 5
Parana .
. 4
Total . .212
Pernambuco .
. 17
Santa Catharina
Senators, 63 in number, are chosen by direct vote, three for each State, and for the Federal district, for nine years, and the Senate is renewed to the extent of one-third every three years. The Vice-President of the Republic is President of the Senate.
The executive authority is exercised by the President of the Republic. He must be a native of Brazil, over thirty-five years of age. His term of office is four years, and he is not eligible for the succeeding term. The President and the Vice-President are elected by the people directly, by an absolute majority of votes. The election is held on the 1st of March in the last year of each presidential period in accordance with forms prescribed by law. No candidate must be related by blood or marriage, in the first or second degree, to the actual president or vice-president, or to either who has ceased to be so within six months.
The President has the nomination and dismissal of ministers, supreme command of the army and navy, and. within certain limits, the power to declare war and make peace. He (with the consent of Congress) appoints the members of the Supreme Federal Tribunal and the diplomatic ministers. No minister can appear in Congress, but must communicate by letter, or in conference with commissions of the Chambers. Ministers are not responsible to Congress or the Tribunals for advice given to the President of the Republic.
The franchise extends to all citizens not under twenty-one years of age, duh'- enrolled, except beggars, 'illiterates,' soldiers actually serving, and members of monastic orders, &c., under vows of obedience.
President of the liepublic. — Marshal Hermes da Fonseca, elected March 2, 1910. Assumed office November 15, 1910, Fourth term of office, (1910-1914).
There are 7 Secretaries of State at the head of the following Departments : — 1. Finance, 2. Justice, Interior and Public Instruction, 3. War, 4. Marine, 5. Foreign Afi'airs, 6. Communications and Public Works, 7. Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce.
I. Local Government.
Each State must be organised under the republican form of government, and must have its administrative, legislative, and judicial authorities distinct and independent. The governors and members of the legislatures must be elective ; the magistrates must not be elective nor removable from office save by judicial sentence. The Federal executive cannot intervene directly . in the local government of the States. In cases of obstinate infringement of the Federal . Constitution by State authorities the only resource of the central power is an appeal to the Supreme Tribunal of Federal District. The Federal District is administered by a council elected by the citizens of the District, the
municipal executive authority being exercised by a Prefect appointed for four