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A State in the Eastern Himalayas, between 26° 45' and 28° N. latitude, and between 89° and 92° E. longitude, bordered on the north and east by iibet, on the west by the Tibetan district of Chumbi and by Sikkim and on the south by British India. Extreme length from east to west 190 miles ; ex- treme breadth 90 miles. Area about 20,000 square miles; population
estimated at 250,000. , , rr. w -u- f i„i^i.f
The original inhabitants of Bhutan, the Tephus, were subjugated about two centuries ago by a band of military colonists from Tibet. In 1774 the East India Company concluded a treaty with the ruler oj Bhutan, but smce then repeated outrages on British subjects committed by the Bhutan hill men have led from time to time to punitive measures, usually ending in the temporary or permanent annexation of various duars or submontane tracts with passes leading to the hills. In November 1864 the e even western or Bengal duars were thus annexed. Under a treaty signed m Novembei 1865, the Bhutan Government was granted a subsidy ot Rs. 50,000 a 5 eai on condition of good behaviour. By an amending treaty concluded m January, 1910, under which the Bhutan Government surrendered the control of its foreign relations to the British Government, the subsidy has l^eenin- creased to Is. 1.00,000 a year. This gives the Indian Government an effec-
tive control over the State, while the occupation of two strong positions at