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Glasgow, Goole, Grimsby, Guernsey, Harwich, Hull, Leitli, Leeds, Lerwick, Limerick, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Milford- Haven, Newcastle, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Queenstown, Ramsgate, Sheffield, Southampton, Sunderland, Swansea, Yarmouth, and other places.

2, Of Great Britain in Belgium.

E7ivoy and Minister.— Hon. Sir F. H. Villiers, G.C.Y.O., K.C.M.G., C.'B., appointed September, 1911.

Secretaries.— B.. A. G. Watson and J. W. R. Macleay.

Military Attache.— 'Lt.-^ol. G. T. M. Bridges.

Naval Attache. — Captain Howard Kelly.

There is a Consul-General and three Vice-Consuls at Antwerp, and Vice-Consuls at Bruges, Brussels, Gharleroi, Ghent, Liege, Ostend, and Spa.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Belgium

1. Offical Publications.

The publications of the Central Statistical Commission and of the various Administra- tive Departments: the Interior, Agriculture, Railways, Posts aud Telegraphs Instruction, Industry and Labour, &c.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Baedeker's Belgium and Holland, including the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 1 1th ed. Leipzig, 1905.

Balan (L.), Soixante-dix ans d'histoire de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1890.

Banning (E.)) La Belgique au Point de Vue niilitaire et international. Bruxelles, 1901

Bavary (Ch. Victor de), Histoire de la revolution beige de 1830. Bruxelles, 1876.

Boulger (D. C), Belgium of the Belgians, London, 1911.— The Histoiy of Belgium. Vol. L, 190-'. Vol. II., 1909. London.

Bray (A. J. de), La Belgique et le Marché Asiatique. Bruxelles, 1903.

Charriaut (H.), La Belgique Moderne. Paris, 1910.

Deschamps (Le Chevallier),La Constitution internationale de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1901.

Griffis (W. E.), Belgium, the Land of Art. London and New York, 1912.

Holland (Clive), The Belgians at Home, London, 1911.

Jacquart (C), Etude de la Demographie, statique et dynaraique, des agglomeration.s urbaines, et specialeinent des villes beiges. Rai)port presente au Xle congres interna- tional d'hygieiie et de demographie. Brussels, 1903. Mouvement de I'etat civil et de la population en Belgique pendant les annees 1876-1900. Brussels.— La Mortalite infantile dans les Flandres.— Essais de Statistique Morale. I. Le Suicide. Brussels, 1908. II. Le divorce et la separation du corps. Brussels, 1909.— La Criminalite Beige, 18(58-1909, Louvain, 1912.

Jourdain (A.) and Stalle<Jj. von), Dictionnaire encyclopedique degeographie de Belgique. Brussels, 1895, &c,

Lavisse (E.), (Editor), Histoire Generale, Vols, X., XL, Xlf. Paris, 1898-1900.

MacDonnell (J. de C), King Leopold II. ; His Rule in Belgium and the Congo London, 1905.

Mattel (H.), Le Developpementcommercial de la Belgique, (fee. Brussels. Annual

Mossel{Yi.. G.), Histoire de la Belgique. Brussels, 1881.

Pelichy (Baron C. G.), L'Organisation du Travail dans les Ports Flamands. Bruxelles.

1899. , , .

Piron (Th.), Des Registres de population, en Belgique. 2nd ed. Lierre, 1905 Complement a la 2^ Edition. Lierre, 1911.

Prost (E.), La Belgique Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale. Paris and Liege, 1904.

Report of the British Iron Trade Delegation on the Iron and Steel Industries of Belgium. London. 1896.

Bosscl (E.) (Editor), La Patrie Beige, 1.830-1905. Brussels, 1905.

Scudamore (C), Belgium and the Belgians. London, 1901.

Seignobos (C), Histoire Polit que de I'Europe Contemporaine. Paris, 1897. [Eng. Trans. London, 1900.]

Smythe (C), The Story of Belgium. London, 1900,

Varlez (L.), Rapport general sur la Belgique (for the Paris Exhibition of I9U0). Brussels, 1900,— Les 8alaires dans I'lndustrie cotonniere. Ghent, 1901.

Ftrte<?rt< (J. M.), Constitution of Belgium. [Trans, of Text with Notes.] Philadelphia 1898,

Ff /lite (C), The Belgic Revolution of 1830. 2 vols. London 1S35.


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