On December 31, 1911, there were 1,658 post offices iii Belgium. The gross revenue of the Post Office in the year 1911 amounted to 40,774,771 francs, and the expenditure to 22,182,110 francs.
The telegraphs in Belgium carried 22, 084, 097(^) despatches, private and official, in the year 1911. In 1911 the total length of public telegraph lines was 4,774 miles, and the length of wires 25,834 miles, exclusive of rail- ways and canal telegraphs. There were in 1911, 1,659 telegraph offices. Receipts in 1911 (telegraphs and telephones), 19,252,911 francs , expenses (telegraphs and telephones), 16,074,469 francs.
In 1911 there were 248 urban telephone systems with 144,835 miles of wire, and the inter-urban systems had 18,290 miles of wire ; total number of conversations 121,951,280 in 1911.
Money and Credit.
No gold has been minted since 1882, and no silver 5 -franc pieces since 1876.
The one bank of emission in Belgium is the National Bank, instituted 1850. By law of March 26, 1900, its constitution was modified, and its duration ex- tended to January 1, 1929. Its capital and reserve amounted in 1911 to 89,622,440 francs. It is the cashier of the State, and is authorised to carry on the usual banking operations. Its situation in 1911, was : —
1000 francs. Cash on hand 246,707
Note circulation ..... Accounts current, creditors . Portfolio (commercial) . Advances on public funds
There are joint-stock and private banks, credit unions, and popular banks savings-banks : —
agricultural banks,
The following are statistics of the State
Year ' Offices ' Depositors
1906 1907 190S
1,089 1,127 1,1(30
2.419,710 i',528,207 2,(>24.901
Amount of Deposits at end of year
843,731,385 SSii/J"" 0,741
1909 1910 I'lll
Offices Depositors
Amount of Deposits at end of year
I } Francs
1,206 2,710,112 I 920,145,054
1,217 2,808,549 ! 964,668,844
1,266 2,901,793 1,007,933,463
Money, Weights, and Measures.
The Franc Par value 25*22^ to £1 sterling
Belgium belongs to the Latin Monetary Union.
The Aveights and measures are those of the metric system.
Diplomatic Representatives.
1. Of Belgium in Great Britain. Envoy and Minister. — Count de Lalaing ; appointed ]\lay 30, 1903. Councillor of Legation. — K. de Prelle de la Niej»pc. First Secretary of Legation. — G. de Kamaix. Consul- General in London. — M. E. Pollet.
There are Consular representatives of Belgium in the following towns : — Aberdeen, Ardbroath, Belfast, Berwick, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Oardift", Cowes, Dartmouth, Dover, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Falmouth
(1) luclmliu^ 13,379,95U^tclcgnuus sent inutile admini.slralion oftlic railway .syslcni.