over Government and Companies' railways between his residence and the place of Session.
The Senate and Chamber meet annually in the month of November, and must sit for at least forty days ; but the King has the power of convoking them on extraordinary occasions, and of dissolving them either simultaneously or separately. In the latter case a new election must take place within forty days, and a meeting of the Chambers within two months. An adjourn- ment canuot be made for a period exceeding one month without the consent of the Chambers. Money bills and bills relating to the contingent for the army originate in the Chamber of Representatives.
Senate, 1912 : — Catholics, 70 ; Liberals, 35 ; Social Democrats, 15. Cham- ber of Representatives, 1912 : — Catholics, 101 ; Liberals, 44 ; Social Demo- crats, 39 ; Christian Socialist, 2.
The Executive Government consists of 11 departments, under the following Ministers : —
President of the Council and Minister of War. — Ch. dc Broquevillc. Appointed November 11, 1912.
Minister of Science and Art. — P. Poullet, June 17, 1911.
Minister of Interior. — Vax\\ Berry er. Appointed September 5,1910.
Minister of Finance. — M. Levie. Appointed June 17, 1911.
Minister of Agriculture and of Public 1 Forks. — G. Helleputte, Appointed November 11, 1912.
Minister of Foreign Affairs. — M. J. Davignon. Appointed May 2, 1907.
Minister of Justice. — H. Carton de Wiart. Appointed June 17, 1911.
Minister of the Colonics. — J. Renkin. Appointed October 30, 1908.
Minister of Industry, and Labour. — M. A. Hubert. Appointed May 2, 1907.
Minister of Railways. — A. Van de Vyvere. Ajipointed November 11, 1912.
Minister of Marine and of Posts and Telegraphs. — P. Segcrs. Appointed November 11, 1912.
Besides the above responsible heads of departments, there are a number of ' Ministres d'Etat,' without portfolio, called on special occasions by the sovereign.
The Ministry of Marine was created in November. 1912.
Local Government. Theprovincesandcommunes(2,629 in 1910) of Belgium have alargeamount of autonomous government. The piovincial electors are the same as those who elect the senators directly, the qualifications of the communal electors are also the same, except that these must have been domiciled at least three years in the commune, and a supplementary vote is given to owners of real property yielding an income of at least 150 francs. No one has more than 4 votes. In communes with over 20,000 inhabitants there are councillors elected directly, by single vote, by citizens enrolled on the communal electoral lists, and possessing the qualifications requisite for electors to the Councils of Industry and Labour ; half the councillors are appointed by the working-men electors, and half by the electors who are industrial heads (chefs d'industrie). In communal elections vote by ballot is suppressed, except when there is a single mandate to be conferred. Candidates obtaining an absolute majority are declared elected ; others have seats allocated in accordance with the system of "Proportional Representation."
In the year 1911-12 there were 1,460,236 provincial, and 1,320,074