Bristol, Cardiff-Newport, Cork-Queenstown, Dublin, Edinbnrgli-Leitli Fal- mouth, Glasgow, Gloucester, Hull, Jersey, Limerick, Liverpool (C.G ), Man- Chester, Newport-Mon., Northshields-Newcastle, Plymouth Portsmouth- Southampton, Sheffield, Swansea, Waterford, Weymouth-Portland, etc.
2. Of Great Britain in Austria-Hungary.
Ambassador. — nt Hon. Sir F. Cartwright, G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G. Appointed Nov. 1, 1908.
Councillor.— Hon. Theo Russell, C.V.O.
Secretaries.— Bon. A. Akers-Douglas, C. M. Palairet and Hon. F. G. Agar-Robartes, M.V.O.
Military AtlacM.—l.i. -Gol. E. S. E. W. Eardley-Russell, M.V.O.
Naval ^<«^c/id.— Commander A. C. Stewart, R.N. (Resident in Rome).
There are Consular representatives at Vienna (C.G.), Budapest (C.G.)» Fiume, Trieste, Prague, Innsbruck (V.C), Lemberg (V.C.).
Government —The Provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina were, by the Treaty of Berlin (July 13, 1878), handed over to the Austro-Hungarian Govern- ment for administration and military occupation. By autograph letter of October 5, 1908, addressed to the Premiers of the two States, the sovereignty ot his Majesty the Emperor- King was extended over these two provinces. The direction of their administration is exercised by the Bosnian Bureau, entrusted to the common Austro-Hungarian Finance Minister in Vienna in the name ot the Emperor- King.
Common Minister of Finance and Administrator.— Dv. de Bilinski, appointed Feb. 20, 1912.
The chief authority in the province itself, with its seat in Sarajevo, is the provincial government (Landesregierung), in four departments, for internal affairs, finance, justice, and public works, and matters of political econoniy. For administration purposes there are 6 district (Kreis) and 54 county (Bezirk) authorities. The new Constitution was proclaimed on February 20, 1910._ The Diet chosen by universal suffrage is competent to deal with provincial finance, taxes, railways, police, public works and civil and criminal law, subject to Austrian or Hungarian veto. There are 3 divisions o. the electorate. The electors of the First Division are subdivided according to their qualification and the nature and amount of the taxes paid, and in all three divisions the number of representatives in the Diet is fixed according to the number of the inhabitants professing each religion. The Jews have 1 seat, the Roman Catholics 16, the Mohammedans 24, and the Orthodox 31 seats. The Government appoints, besides, 20 members, 4 representing the authorities, 16 others being spiritual heads of the Ortho- dox, the Mohammedan, the Roman Catholic, and the Jewish religious organi- sations ; total, 72 elected members and 20 nominated. The President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly are appointed by the Emperor each Session, each religion being represented and holding the Presidency in turn.
Area and Population —Bosnia and Herzegovina contain six districts (Kreise), with an area of 19,768 square miles. Population, 1910, 1,898,044 (994,852 males and 903,192 females). Estimated population,
Dec. 31, 1911, 1,928,833, of whom there were: Mohammedans, 618,317 ;