7,553 other Slav dialects ; 737 Italian, 173 Rumanian, 5 Magyar, and 4 in other languages ; and in 274 more than one language.
The Gymnasia and Realschulen are schools whose practical jmrpose consists especially in the preparation they supply for the universities and technical and other high schools. The curriculum of the former extends over eight years ; of the latter, over seven. They are, so far as they are public, maintained by the State, by separate provinces, by the larger communes, or (in the case of confessional schools) by ecclesiastical foundations, &c., eventually with a subvention from the State. Private middle schools of a semi-official land are included in the following table ; these are under the same regulations as public schools : —
2961 3161 3431
Pupils 1
147 149 148
Teachers Pupils i
1910-1911. 1911-1912. 1912-1913.
48,922 49,065 49,151
^ Including 13 gymnasia for girls, having 2,856 pupils in 1910-11, 23 with 3,584 pupils in 1911-12, and 32 with 4,797 in 1912-13.
In 140 Gymnasia (1912-13) the language used was German, in 68 Bo- hemian, in 93 Polish, in 8 Italian, in 10 Ruthenian, in 1 Slovenish, in 6 Serbo-Croatian, and in 17 two languages were used. There were also 68 ' Lyceums ' (secondary schools for girls) with 11,151 pupils.
There are eight universities maintained by the State. The number of teachers and of students in winter 1912-13 : —
Teachers Students
Vienna, German Graz, German
666 225 249 199
10,225 2,053 4,406 2,147
Cracow Polish . Lemberg, ,, Innsbruck, German Czernowitz, ,,
195 ' 3,647
186 ! 5,567
139 1,357
61 1,189
The total, 30,591 students, shows an increase on the summer ot 1912, which was 26,552. Of the total, 2,624 or 8*5 per cent, were women students.
There are (1909-1910) 49 theological colleges — viz. : 43 Roman Catholic, 2 Greek Catholic, 1 Armenian Catholic, 1 Greek Oriental, 1 Protestant, and 1 Jewish, with a total of 1,941 students.
Government technical high schools, teachers and pupils in winter 1912-13: —
Vienna Graz .
p /German .
^ \ Bohemian
Teachers Students
183 54 86
3,137 758
884 2,738
Teachers Student s
T» .. r German 102
Brunn -^ r> 1 • -70
( Bohemian 73
Lemberg . . 98
Vienna agr. high
school . 86