the re-mistered number of scholars 133,203, and the number of teachers 5,284. ^142 secondary schools m the State in 1910, had 491 teachers and l', 360 pupils. State educational institutions were four Normal Schools with 102 instructors and 1,047 students; a School of Mines with 12 instructors and 89 students ; an Agricultural College with 57 instructors and 731 students ; and a University with 57 instructors and 425 students. In addition the State maintains schools for the Blind, Deaf Mutes, and the Feeble Minded, as well as a Reform School. Colleges under sectarian control are Huron College (Presb.) with 24 professors and 329 students, Dakota Wesley an University with 27 professors and 429 students, Yankton College (Cong.) with 23 professors and 362 students. There are several smaller colleges. Day (elementary) and Boarding (higher) Indian Schools are maintained by the State, and there are also various denominational schools for the education of Indian children.
Charity. — Within the State there are (exclusive of almshouses and establishments for imbeciles, &c.) 13 benevolent institutions, most of which have been provided by private charity or by religious bodies. They comprise eight hospitals, two orphanages, a home for adults, a school for the deaf, and aiK)ther for the blind. County commissioners are overseers of the poor, and care for the indigent who have a lawful settlement in their county, gained by 90 (lays residence. Paupers refused relief have an appeal to the county circuit court judge. There is a penalty for sending paupers out of their county of settlement, and for bringing them into a county where they have no settlement. The county commissioners, authorised by the voters at a special election, may establish an asylum for the poor, or several counties may combine for the purpose. Where no poorhouse exists paupers may be supported by contract for a year. In 1906, 228 paupers were wholly and 483 partly maintained by counties at a cost of 73,659 dollars.
Finance, Defence.— For the year ended June 30, 1912, the receipts
and disbursements were : —
Balance on .Tune 30, 1911 421,150
Receipts for 1911-12 3,779,652
Total 4,200,808
Disbursements for 1911-12 3,208,519
Balance on June 30, 1912 992,289
The assessed value (25 to 33 per cent, of actual value) of all property in the State in 1908 was 283,696,258 dollars. In 1911 there was a debt of 370,153 dollars outstandhig. The Constitution limits the debt of the State to 100,000 dollars over and above the debt of the Territory of Dakota assumed by the State at its foundation. The true value of all the property within the State in 1904 was estimated by the Federal Census Bureau at :—
Real property 381,435,856
Personal property 298,405,083
Total 679,840,939
There is a State militia, consisting, with certain exemptions, of all able- bodied male persons residing in the State between the ages of 18 and 45 years. In 1909 there were on the active list 73 officers and 707 men