Books of Reference. *
The Reports of the various Executive Departments.
British Consular Reports on Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Annual, London. Bancroft (H. H.). History of Oregon.
Clarke (S. A.), Pioneer Days in Oregon History. 2 vols. Cleveland, U.S., 1905. Gilbert {.J. H.), Trade and Currency in Early Oregon (Colnml)ia University Studies in Economics, Vol. xxvi. No. 1). New York. Schafer. History of Pacific Northwest. Johnson. Short History of Oregon.
Government.— The General Assembly coiisist.s of a Senate and a House of Representatives. Every male citizen 21 years of age, resident in the State for one year, and in the district for two months preceding the election, is entitled to vote, provided that he has paid a State or County tax within two years and at least one month before the election. The Senate consists of 50 memljers chosen for four year.s, 25 Senators being elected at each General Assembly election. The House of Representatives consists of 207 members chosen for two years.
The State is represented in Congress byJtwo Senators and 36 Representatives.
Governor.— John K. Tener, 1911-1915 (10,000 dollars.)
Secretary of the Comrnonwecilth. — Robert McAfee.
For local administration the State is organised in counties, cities, towns, or boroughs, and townships. There are 67 counties. Those which have been formed since 1874 contain at least 400 square miles and 20,000 inhabitants. The State Capital is Harrisburg.
Area, Population, Instruction.— Area, 45, 0S6 square miles.
1,049,458 2,906,215
Per sq. m.
1900 1910
6,302,115 7,665,111
Per sq. ni.
140-6 171-0
The population is mainly English but contains elements of various European nationalities. In 1910 the iiopulation was made up of 3,942,137 males and 3,722,974 females, and included 193,908 negroes, 1,503 Indians, 1,749 Cliinese, and 189 Japanese. In 1900 the foreign-born population of the State numbered 985,250, of whom 212,453 were German, 205,909 Irish, 114,831 English, 67,492 Austrian, 66,552 Italian, 50,959 Russian, and 72,648 Polish (from Russia, Austria and Germany). In 1910, 1,438,752 were foreign -born.
Population of the larger cities according to 1910 census : —
Cities Population
Population Cities
Philadelphia . 1,549.008 Pittshurg . 533,905 Scranton . 129,867 Reading . . 96,071 Erie . . 66,525 Wilkesbarre . 67,105 Harrisburg
(capital) j 64,186
Altonna . .Johnstown McKeesport . Alleutown York Chester . Newcastle Williamsport .
47,227 ! Easton 52,127 Hazeltown 55,482 Lebanon 42,691 ; C'lrbotidale 51,913 1 Pittston 44,750 j Oil Citv 38,537 Bradford 36,280 i' Meadville 31,860
28,523 25,452 19,240 17,040 16,267 15,657 14,544