Other American Territories (cont.).
between Newfoundland and Canada.
1896. Royal Commission on economic conditions of West Indies.
1898–99. Hurricane in West Indies.
1899. Reciprocity treaty, West Indies and U.S.A.
1904. Anglo-French convention covering
arrangements in regard to
Newfoundland fisheries.
British Guiana-Brazilian boundary;
India constituted.
1863. War with North-west hill tribes; Death of Lord Elgin, Viceroy, succeeded by Sir John Lawrence.
1866. Famine in Bengal.
1868 War on N.W. frontier.
1870. Railway between Calcutta and Bombay finished.
1872. Assassination of Viceroy; succeeded by Lord Northbrook.
1874. Famine in Bengal; expedition against tribes on N.W. frontier.
1875. Deposition of Gaekwar of Baroda, after trial for murder; expedition against Naga tribes; visit of Prince of Wales to India.
1876. Lord Lytton Viceroy.
1877. Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress by Viceroy in India; famine in Bombay, Madras, etc.; disturbances on N.W. frontier.
1878. War with Afghanistan.
1879. Peace with Afghanistan, meeting at Kabul; rebellion of Rumpa tribes.
1880. Marquis of Ripen Viceroy.
1881. War with Waziris.
1884. Rebellion of Akha tribes.
Expedition against Kakar Pathans.
Earl of Dufferin Viceroy.
1884–86. Burmese Wars.
1886. Upper Burma annexed; all Burma included in British India.
1887. Districts in Baluchistan annexed.
1888. Black mountain expedition; Marquis of Lansdowne Viceroy.
1889. Expedition against Chittagong hill tribes.
1890. Treaty with China; expeditions against Chins and Lushais.
1891. Miranzai Valley expedition.
1892. Risings of Lushai tribes; famines; Black Mountain expedition.
1893. Risings on N.W. frontier; Earl of Elgin Viceroy; risings of Abors.
1894. Expedition against Mahsuds; demarcation of Afghan frontier (completed 1895).
1896. Famines.
1897. Tochi expedition; war in Swat Valley etc. against followers of the Mullah.
1898. Outbreak of plague—Indian plague commission; Lord Curzon Viceroy.
1899. Expedition against Chamkanni tribe;
new frontier policy; tribal
Raid of Bhils; famine.
1901. New frontier province; famine; expedition against Mahsuds.
1902. Expedition against Waziris; durbar for proclamation of King Edward VII as Emperor.
1905. Partition of Bengal; visit of Prince and Princess of Wales to India; Earl of Minto Viceroy.
1910. Lord Hardinge, Viceroy.
1911. Coronation Durbar by Emperor and Empress at Delhi; Capital transferred from Calcutta to Delhi; reunion of Bengal; expedition
against Abors.Other Asiatic Territories.
independent of India.
1868. Sir C. J. Brooke succeeds his uncle as Rajah of Sarawak.
1881. British North Borneo Company established.
1891. British control over Federated Malay States established.
1895. North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak constituted protectorate.
1898. Territory of Wei-hai-wei leased from China.
1898–99. Hong-Kong—extension of territory (Lantao, Kaulung).
1900. Matsalleh's rising in Borneo
1864–5. Opposition to and promised cessation of transportation of convicts to Australia.
1866. End of Maori war in New Zealand.
1868. New Zealand Government Act.
1874. Fiji ceded to Great Britain.
1875. Maori king submits to British authority.
1882. Completion of Melbourne-Sydney railway.
1885. Federation of Australasian colonies (New South Wales and New Zealand were not included).
1891. National Australasian Federation Convention : title of Commonwealth of Australia adopted.
1900. Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
1901. Annexation of Cook and other Pacific Islands to New Zealand.
1901. Lord Hopetoun Governor General of Australia; first Federal Parliament.
1902. Lord Tennyson Governor-General of Australia.
1904. Lord Northcote Governor-General of Australia.
1907. New Zealand constituted a
Lord Denman Governor-General of