I. African.
Union of South Africa and Rhodesia
African Company (Southern Rhodesia).
1895. Establishment of Bechuanaland
Swaziland Convention.
1895–6. Jameson Raid.
1896–7. Cecil Rhodes administrator, with Earl Grey; Matabele rising (Rhodesia).
1899. Constitution of N.E. Rhodesia and
(1900) of N.W. Rhodesia.
Boer ultimatum, followed by—
1900. South African War.
Annexation of Orange Free State
(Orange River Colony) and of
1902. Martial law rejtealed.
Death of Rhodes.
1904. Ordinance permitting Chinese
Death of ex-President Kruger.
1910. Union of South Africa established; first parliament opened (S. Africa
Act, Imp. Parliament, 1909).Other African Territories
(with adjacent islands).
1872. Gold Coast (Dutch settlements) transferred to Gt. Britain.
1873–74. Sir Garnet Wolseley's operations against Ashantis (W. Africa).
1878. Walfisch Bay proclaimed British territory.
1882. National African Company incorporated (chartered in 1886 as Royal Niger Company).
1884. Walfisch Bay annexed to Cape Colony.
1885. Protectorate declared in Somaliland.
Responsible government in
1888. Foundations of Imperial British
East Africa Company (concession
of territory by Sultan of
Gambia separated from Sierra Leone
as independent colony.
1890. Anglo-German convention. Uganda under I.B.E.A. Co. Protectorate over Zanzibar.
1891. Protectorate declared in Nyasaland (British Central Africa).
1893. Evacuation of Uganda by I.B.E.A. Co.
1894. Protectorate declared in Uganda.
1895. I.B.E.A. Co. wound up; protectorate declared in East Africa.
1895–96. Expedition against Ashantis (W. Africa); residency established at Kumasi; death of Prince Henry of Battenberg during return from expedition.
1895–97. Fighting in Nigeria.
1899. Transfer of Nigeria from Royal Niger Co. to imperial government.
1899–1902. Operations in Nigeria result in occupation of 9 provinces.
1900. Division of Northern and Southern
Siege of Kumasi.
1902. Expedition against and defeat of Mad Mullah (Somaliland).
1903. Completion of Uganda railway.
Further operations in Somaliland
(expeditionary force withdrawn
Seychelles separated from Mauritius
as independent colony.
1904. War with Kano (Nigeria).
1905. Pacification of Northern Nigeria.
1907. British Central Africa protectorate officially styled Nyasaland protectorate.
1909. Southern boundary of Walfisch Bay with German territory referred to King of Spain's arbitration.
1912. Union of Northern and Southern Nigeria.}}
Union of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as Dominion of Canada.
1867. New Parliament met at Ottawa.
1868. Sir T. Young Governor-General.
1869. Hudson's Bay territories bought.
1870. Province of Manitoba created.
1871. British Columbia united to the Dominion.
1872. Lord Dufferin Governor-General.
1877. Canada and U.S. Fishery Commission.
1878. Marquis of Lorne Governor-General.
1882. Districts of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Athabasca formed.
1883. Marquis of Lansdowne Governor-General.
1885. Rebellion in North-West territories. First train from Montreal to Vancouver on Canadian Pacific Railway.
1888. Lord Stanley of Preston Governor-General.
1893. Earl of Aberdeen Governor-General.
1897. Rush to Klondyke gold-fields.
1898. Earl of Minto Governor-General.
1903 Alaska boundary treaty.
1904. Lord Grey Governor-General.
1910. Award of Hague Tribunal in Atlantic fisheries arbitration.
1911. Duke of Connaught
Conservative victory in election, on
Other American Territories.
1869. Newfoundland refuses union with Canada.
1882. Royal Commission on economic condition of West Indies.
1889. Modus vivendi establislied in regard
to Newfoundland fisheries.